Pneumonia Symptoms, symptom checker, there are many people who do not know for a fact how does pneumonia affect them. Pneumonia is actually a bacteria that affects the tracheal region of a person, whenever they are under a severe attack of cold, and they do not have adequate protection.
Before a while, pneumonia would have been a very fatal disease, as they had no known cure against it. But there is a vaccination of pneumonia nowadays, and it can help cure a lot of diseases along with pneumonia. Basically the children are in the fatal region of pneumonia, as their military system is not at all stable enough to handle such a disease.The basic symptom of pneumonia is to get a sore throat, that would always worsen day by day, making that person unable to speak after a few days. Running nose along with a splitting headache can also accompany pneumonia, and it would be a high time if you feel that you cannot do normal work properly, and you are mucus region in the nose is always being blocked. In such circumstances, mild fever along with pain in the chest may also occur, and you would have to consult a doctor for immediate medication.
More About Pneumonia Symptoms
The symptoms of pneumonia mainly include chills, fever, and shortness of breath, and also cough accompanied with yellowisly green phlegm or occasionally blood. Chest pain when breathing can also be a symptom of pneumonia, which is a result of inflammation of the membrane that lines the lungs and chest cavity.The cough would be dry at the beginning of the illness, but later it is accompanied with phlegm that is often green/yellow or rust coloured and may be smelly. Pneumonia also is accompanied by flu-like symptoms such as fever, aches, and loss of appetite. The exact symptoms may vary depending on the type of micro-organism causing the infection and the extent of the infection.(Source :
Pneumonia Pictures And Images
25 Haziran 2012 Pazartesi
Pneumonia Symptoms
Lyme Disease Symptoms
Lyme Disease Symptoms, symptom checker, there is a huge possibility that Lyme disease is actually cause by that tick bites, and it is that takes that carry this disease. In such cases people have been known to die out of Lyme disease, and if it is not detected early, the disease can be very fatal to that human being.
The basic symptoms of Lyme disease actually include fever, splitting headaches, and joint aches, that can be very persistent, and can provide you a lot of discomfort whenever you are going to sleep or whenever you're awake. If there is no such symptom, then you can be sure shot that we have Lyme disease, if you have a type of a bull's eye rash that is present in your body. In such circumstances, you should get yourself as quickly as possible to a medical practitioner, and get it checked out, as the sooner you get the Lyme disease checked out, the more better chances of you getting treated. Also in the early stages of the disease you would feel a lot of tiredness, without doing any significant amount of work. Hence get yourself checked out as soon as possible for any such Lyme disease.
Lyme Disease Pictures And Images
Stomach Cancer Symptoms
Stomach Cancer Symptoms, symptom checker, the reason that people suffer from stomach cancer is because of the fact that the diet of the people of nowadays have changed a lot, and they do not control the diet as well as keep in touch with the proteins and carbohydrates that are going into the body.
There are also other factors of stomach cancer, and they revolve around chain-smoking, and a frequent diet of acid, and most of the time old age is also the factor for getting stomach cancer. It can also be hereditary disease, and if your forefathers happen to have stomach cancer, then you would most probably acquired that fact.There are a lot of symptoms of stomach cancer, and most of them revolve around problems and swallowing food, and you're not feeling hungry at any moment of the time. Even if you have a small intake of food, you'd feel bloated, and would not ask for a refill of that food. In many circumstances, there are people who do not feel good under any weather, and they are always tired before they do a specific task. In such circumstances, if there is a loss of weight, then you would most certainly have stomach cancer.More For Stomach Cancer SymptomsStage 1 (Early) Indigestion or a burning sensation (heartburn) Loss of appetite, especially for meat Abdominal discomfort or irritationStage 2 (Middle) Weakness and fatigue Bloating of the stomach, usually after mealsStage 3 (Late) Abdominal pain in the upper abdomen Nausea and occasional vomiting Diarrhea or constipation Weight loss Bleeding (vomiting blood or having blood in the stool) which will appear as black. This can lead to anemia. Dysphagia; this feature suggests a tumor in the cardia or extension of the gastric tumor in to the esophagus.Note that these can be symptoms of other problems such as a stomach virus, gastric ulcer or tropical sprue.
Stomach Cancer Pictures And Images
The evolution of a physician's blog
Dr. Stephen W. Smith is a faculty physician in the Emergency Medicine Residency at Hennepin County Medical Center (HCMC) in Minneapolis, MN, and Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine at the University of Minnesota.
Acute low back pain: What to do? What works and what doesn't?
Acute low back pain is one of the most common reasons for adults to see a physician. Most patients recover quickly with minimal treatment.
"Red flags"
Serious "red flags" include:
- significant trauma related to age (i.e., injury related to a fall from a height or motor vehicle crash in a young patient, or from a minor fall or heavy lifting in a patient with osteoporosis or possible osteoporosis)
- major or progressive motor or sensory deficit
- new-onset bowel or bladder incontinence or urinary retention
- loss of anal sphincter tone
- saddle anesthesia
- history of cancer metastatic to bone
- suspected spinal infection
Without signs of serious pathology, imaging and laboratory testing often are not required.
Patient education, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), acetaminophen, and muscle relaxants are beneficial.
Bed rest should be avoided, if possible.
Exercises directed by a physical therapist, such as the McKenzie method and spine stabilization exercises, may decrease recurrent pain.
Spinal manipulation and chiropractic techniques are no more effective than established medical treatments.
No substantial benefit has been shown with:
- oral steroids
- acupuncture
- massage
- traction
- lumbar supports
- regular exercise programs
Diagnosis and treatment of acute low back pain. Casazza BA. Am Fam Physician. 2012 Feb 15;85(4):343-50.
Image source: Different regions (curvatures) of the vertebral column, Wikipedia, public domain.
24 Haziran 2012 Pazar
Mayo Clinic now offers Patient App: access to personal medical record, appointment schedule and more
The Mayo Clinic Patient app provides local community information, including directions to local restaurants, entertainment, and more.
The evolution of a physician's blog
Dr. Stephen W. Smith is a faculty physician in the Emergency Medicine Residency at Hennepin County Medical Center (HCMC) in Minneapolis, MN, and Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine at the University of Minnesota.
Применение Полисорба МП в урологии
Одно из главных Ñ�оÑ�тавлÑ�ющих Ñ�чаÑ�тливой жизни – здоровье. Ðто извеÑ�тно вÑ�ем. Как чаÑ�то нам желают не болеть! Ð�а деле мы Ñ�ами не вÑ�егда задумываемÑ�Ñ� о возможных поÑ�ледÑ�твиÑ�Ñ… Ñ�воих поÑ�тупков. Многие болезни можно предотвратить. Ð�о, к Ñ�ожалению, не вÑ�е.
СегоднÑ� затронем тему, волнующую многих людей – урологичеÑ�кие заболеваниÑ�. Они делÑ�Ñ‚Ñ�Ñ� на 2 оÑ�новные группы: воÑ�палительные и не воÑ�палительные.
ВоÑ�палительные – хроничеÑ�кий пиелонефрит и хроничеÑ�кий циÑ�тит. Ðто хроничеÑ�кое воÑ�паление почек, длительно протекающее Ñ� периодичеÑ�кими обоÑ�трениÑ�ми и ремиÑ�Ñ�иÑ�ми.
Обо�трени� зача�тую про�вл�ют�� ве�ной или о�енью, либо могут возникнуть по�ле переохлаждени� или �тре��а. Во�паление внутренних органов может быть �провоцировано различными патогенными микроорганизмами.
Симптомы обычно �хожи: боль, учащенное мочеи�пу�кание, при �том рези и жжение, повышение температуры, обща� �лабо�ть и т.д.
При лечении иÑ�пользуютÑ�Ñ� антибиотики, а также противовоÑ�палительные, Ñ�оÑ�удораÑ�ширÑ�ющие, иммуноÑ�тимулирующие лекарÑ�тва. Важно иÑ�пользовать препараты, которые выводÑ�Ñ‚ из организма токÑ�ины, образующиеÑ�Ñ� при воÑ�палении и функционировании болезнетворных микробов. Ðти токÑ�ины вызывают ухудшение кровообращениÑ� в пораженном органе, влиÑ�ÑŽÑ‚ на общее Ñ�амочувÑ�твие, Ñ�нижают иммунитет. Выведение токÑ�инов уÑ�корÑ�ет выздоровление, улучшает общее Ñ�амочувÑ�твие, Ñ�нижает вероÑ�тноÑ�Ñ‚ÑŒ развитиÑ� оÑ�ложнений.
Одним из лучших и �ффективных препаратов дл� выведени� из организма различных ток�инов �вл�ет�� Поли�орб МП. При применении Поли�орба МП значительно бы�трее до�тигнуть выздоровлени� и закрепить до�тигнутый �ффект.
�ево�палительные заболевани�.
Самым раÑ�проÑ�транённым из не воÑ�палительных заболеваний в урологии Ñ�влÑ�етÑ�Ñ� доброкачеÑ�твеннаÑ� гиперплазиÑ� предÑ�тательной железы (ДГПЖ) или аденома предÑ�тательной железы. Ðто заболевание вÑ�тречаетÑ�Ñ� у 50-60% мужчин пожилого возраÑ�та. Одно из оÑ�новных проÑ�влений ДГПЖ – нарушение мочеиÑ�пуÑ�каниÑ�, которое может ухудшить отток мочи из почек. Подобное ухудшение может привеÑ�ти к развитию хроничеÑ�кой почечной недоÑ�таточноÑ�ти.
К �тому заболеванию также привод�т длительно протекающие во�палительные заболевани� почек и онкологиче�кие проце��ы.
При нарушении работы почек, организм начинает иÑ�пользовать «Ð°Ð²Ð°Ñ€Ð¸Ð¹Ð½Ñ‹Ðµ» Ñ�поÑ�обы выведениÑ� белковых продуктов – они начинают вызывать отравление, ухудшаÑ� Ñ�оÑ�тоÑ�ние больного. Ð�а Ñ�том оÑ�нован принцип дейÑ�твиÑ� Ñ�нтероÑ�орбента ПолиÑ�орб – он Ñ�орбирует Ñ�ти продукты именно в кишечнике, выводит их из организма, и таким образом, уменьшает проÑ�влениÑ� хроничеÑ�кой почечной недоÑ�таточноÑ�ти. Также ПолиÑ�орб хорошо убирает воÑ�палительные Ñ�лементы из организма.
То е�ть, Поли�орб можно примен�ть в комплек�ной терапии хрониче�кой почечной недо�таточно�ти.
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Some Information On Prostatitis Antibiotic Treatment | Total fitness ... The prostate is only a walnut-sized gland but when it gets infected, it is very painful. Its infection or inflammation is commonly caused by bacteria. Like any other ... |
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23 Haziran 2012 Cumartesi
Ulcer Symptom
Ulcer Symptom, if you always feel a very sharp pain around your stomach, and you always feel nausea as well as tiredness that is engulfing you each and every moment of your living life, then you will very probably have ulcer in your stomachUlcers are generally sauce that are about half an inch in diameter, and they actually form in the lining of the stomach just below the beginning of your small intestine, and they are very painful as the food which is processed from that area had to go through those source, and an open area of phone would be very susceptible to pain with all the food as well as the acid flowing through it. When you have too much of an acidic diet, and feel that you have pain in your stomach region whenever the food has been registered, then you would certainly know that you have all served in your body. In such cases, you could consult a doctor or a medical practitioner for the relief, as ulcers can be very painful, and it can cause a lot of potential damage to the stomach lining, and can create a very potential harmful experience for you.
More For Ulcer Symptom
The major symptom of an ulcer is a burning or gnawing feeling in the stomach area that lasts between 30 minutes and 3 hours. This pain is often interpreted as heartburn, indigestion or hunger. The pain usually occurs in the upper abdomen, but sometimes it may occur below the breastbone. In some individuals the pain occurs immediately after eating. In other individuals, the pain may not occur until hours after eating. The pain frequently awakens the person at night. Weeks of pain may be followed by weeks of not having pain. Pain can be relieved by drinking milk, eating, resting, or taking antacids.Appetite and weight loss are other symptoms. Persons with duodenal ulcers may experience weight gain because the persons eats more to ease discomfort. Recurrent vomiting, blood in the stool and anemia are other symptoms.
Ulcer Symptom Pictures And Images
Symptoms Of Rabies
Symptoms Of Rabies, symptom checker, there are a lot of factors that actually come when rabies are injected in your body. These viruses are deadly and it can actually have a lot of bad effects, on the human body which can result in hydrophobia, and also you may eventually die of such a disease.
Though it is a common misconception that dogs are always the carrier of rabies virus, it is actually bats and cats that are the actual carriers of such a disease. In many circumstances, rabies can also be given from monkeys, has be careful to take your dog in front of them.The sure shot symptoms of rabies is a fear of water, and he or she would obviously become very irritable. There is also a very high fever that is prevalent in the body, along with severe headache and you might find that the person is twitching all over, like he or she is undergoing spasm. If all these conditions prevalent in a person and you would also find a foam coming out of the corners of the mouth, then you can be sure that the person is infected with rabies, and get immediate treatment or else he would lose that person forever.
More About Symptoms Of Rabies
Early Symptoms of RabiesEarly rabies symptoms in humans are similar to flu symptoms. These early symptoms can include: Fever Headache General tiredness Discomfort, numbness, or pain at the site of the bite. Progressive Rabies SymptomsAs the disease progresses, neurological symptoms appear and may include: Insomnia Anxiety Confusion Slight or partial paralysis Excitation Hallucinations Agitation Hypersalivation Difficulty swallowing Hydrophobia (fear of water).
Rabies Pictures And Images
Liver Disease Symptoms
Liver Disease Symptoms, symptom checker, there are many liver diseases along with liver cancer that do not show a lot of symptoms, and it will be terrifically hard for a doctor to detect it if they do not do the requisite amount of tests. One of the symptoms that can actually include liver disease is the swelling of the gallbladder along with the swelling of the liver
something that can actually be very fatal to human body. The symptoms of liver disease can also be a very poor appetite, as the liver which actually consists of the pile which regulates the amount of food intake in her body and is also responsible for the amount of appetite that we have.
The symptom and fallout of liver diseases excessive loss of weight and also the turning of the skin to yellow, along with fever and always being tired. The excessive loss of weight is because of the fact that if you do not feel hungry at any moment of time, then automatic protein level of your body will decrease along with the fat intake of your body, and you would only be breaking down those tough in order to feed your body. This will actually result in the body becoming thin.
More For Liver Disease Symptoms
The main symptom of Liver disease is Jaundice, There are two types of Jaundice as described in the traditional oriental medicine, Yang Jaundice and Yin Jaundice.
Yang Jaundice — Thirst, Palpitations, constipation, urinary problem, abdominal distention as well as yellowing of tongue are the major symptoms of whole body jaundice in which the body color changes to somewhat like fresh tangerine color. According to the oriental medicine, this type of jaundice happens from excessive damp and moist heat.
Yin Jaundice — Your face, skin and eyes all turn yellow. Severe fever, nausea, poor appetite, lassitude, fatigue, abdominal distention, chest repression, loose stools, hypochondriac pain, cold hands and feet, palpitation, edema and breaking breath are all very common symptoms of Yin Jaundice.
Symptoms of Liver Disease
Going by the perspective of oriental medicine there are few other signs or symptoms that indicate the persisting liver problem.
Problem of skin
Feeling of Dizziness
Ticks, Spasms and Tremors
Sudden Seizures
Redness and itchiness of eyes
Short temperedness and constant irritation
Tension and pain in the back
Hypochondriac pain
Loss of flexibility of tendons and ligaments
Mood Swings
Source :
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Flu Symptoms
Flu Symptoms, symptom checker, Flu is actually a viral infection that is very contagious, and can affect the year we in your system, that comprises of your nose and throat and it can cause and spread down towards your lungs that can actually be dangerous for the human body.
It can affect people of various age barriers, but it would actually have the most risk of causing potential damage on the children. A fluke and obviously create havoc in children, and very small droplets of saliva that can be coiffed and sneezed by that person, can create a lot of difficulties for all the people that are in the vicinity.
Typical flu symptoms are actually very high fever, and aching in the muscles, always having a sore throat, and a constant head pain and headache along with dry cough. Also in most cases, flu symptoms can also have exhaustion, and it can leave a person weak for the period of time in which the flu is present in the body. In many cases, the children are the most affected in flu, and they develop infections in the lungs which can lead to fatal damages in the children if not corrected in the required time.
More For Flu Symptoms
Flu symptoms can be mild or severe, and can come on suddenly — be sure you know your flu treatment options so you can be prepared. Symptoms generally appear 1 to 4 days after exposure to the virus.
The common symptoms of the flu include:
Fever (100°F or greater)
Muscle aches
Runny nose (more common in children than adults)
If you have one or more of these
symptoms, it could be the flu.
Flu Pictures And Images
Hernia Symptoms | Symptoms Of Hernia
Hernia Symptoms | Symptoms Of Hernia, symptom checker, hernia actually, because of the fact that the small intestine on your body goes inside the scrotal sac, which results in a lot of pain, and you would be always exhausted as well as feeling a lot of pain in the lower region of your body.
Hernia can actually happen because of excessive exercise on the lower parts of your body, and in most of the cases, it happens to people who do excessive exercise on the lower part of your body, not necessarily in a gym, but also in daily life. In most cases, money would be accompanied by a growth of lymph nodes in your body, and that can also mean a lot of pain for you.
The sure shot symptoms of hernia, is that you would experience a lot of intestinal pain, as well as pain below the abdomen, and you would feel a protrusion coming out from the groin region, and many other accompanied factors that can tell you that you have hernia. In order for you to treat hernia well, you would have to go to a surgeon, and surgery is needed for them to stitch up the lower end of the scrotal sac and push the intestine in the intestinal sac.
More About Hernia Symptoms | Symptoms Of Hernia
Mostly all the Hernia start off, as an unnoticeable breakthroughs of the tissues. They just appear as small chunks under the skin, which might be as small as a marble. The starting of Hernia is generally painless. But with time, the size increases as the pressure on the internal walls increases and it turns out to be pretty painful.
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21 Haziran 2012 Perşembe
Epilepsy Seizure Symptoms
Epilepsy Seizure Symptoms , symptom checker, whenever the electrical functions of the brain becomes abnormal and it becomes erratic and sporadic, then you know that it will eventually lead to seizures. Seizures are nothing but transmission of electrical brain impulses to your brain, that can lead to behaviour changes.
In order for you to get a good amount of brain activity, then this electrical impulses would be very beneficial to you. Whenever you are under seizure, you would experience a delay would you change, and you would also undergo terrible jerky movements, that are also known as spasms, in your body.
The symptoms of seizures are actually jerking movements along the body, that is actually the result of brain impulses which are going to your brain, but not in a frequent and harmonic type of way, that is normally required in the functioning of your body as well as your brain. In such circumstances, also you would get a lot of spasms, as well as you would experience a lot of emotional changes, and many of the sensory changes that you would not be aware of. Most of the seizures actually happen at night, and many people are afraid of this fact of seizures happening at night.
More For Epilepsy / Seizure Symptoms
Seizure symptoms
Black out
Electric Shock Feeling
Loss of consciousness
Spacing out
Out of body experience
Visual loss or blurring
Epilepsy / Seizure Pictures And Images
Hepatitis Symptoms | Symptoms Of Hepatitis
Hepatitis Symptoms | Symptoms Of Hepatitis, Symptom Checker, hepatitis is actually caused due to the destruction of liver cells and the presence of cells which are inflammatory nature in the liver.
This can lend a severe blow to the liver cells, and it can also depend on the nature of inflammation that occurs in the liver. Hepatitis can occur due to reuse of infected needles, and having unprotected sex with multiple partners, and having blood transfusions without checking the quality of blood and also due to the transfer of blood from mother to child while the mother is pregnant. In such cases, when you cannot prevent hepatitis, then you should go for experienced check-up from experienced personnel, and get rid of this virus from your body.
There are a lot of symptoms of hepatitis, and most of them feature on the ill health of a person, and having a loss of appetite, which can result in excessive weight loss of that person. Nausea which is accompanied with vomiting can also be a factor and a symptom of hepatitis. Having aches all over the body and a very dark urine, which is due to the excessive present of bile in the urine, can be a symptom of hepatitis in your body.
More For Hepatitis Symptoms | Symptoms Of Hepatitis
Signs and symptoms of hepatitis A
A short, mild, flu-like illness;
nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea;
loss of appetite;
weight loss;
jaundice (yellow skin and whites of eyes, darker yellow urine and pale faeces);
itchy skin;
abdominal pain.
Signs and symptoms of hepatitis B
A short, mild, flu-like illness;
nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea;
loss of appetite;
weight loss;
jaundice (yellow skin and whites of eyes, darker yellow urine and pale faeces);
itchy skin.
Signs and symptoms of hepatitis C
A short, mild, flu-like illness;
nausea and vomiting;
loss of appetite;
weight loss;
jaundice (yellow skin and whites of eyes, darker yellow urine and pale faeces);
itchy skin.
Hepatitis Pictures And Images